Never Underestimate the Influence of Sewing

Welcome in to the Berry Bunch friends and I hope this post finds your well.

I started my brand Strawberry Paper Doll in 2017 not really pursuing it as a profession until leaving the textile industry. I wanted to bring my view of fashion forward. Creating a following of educated consumerism and making a mark as pushing for more ethical consumption. Much of this deals with working through really deep topics that can be hard to handle like sustainability, accessibility, discrimination of many types and fight against the idea that fashion has to have a certain look or person type. Fashion can be many things and I want to create an empowering community that allows people to be themselves and communicate through their clothing.

I hope through this updated site and ongoing efforts to be more social with my creative process I can enable everyone to be their best selves. Personally, I tend to be quite an introvert, happily spend my time away from the computer sewing on many projects. Through this project my goal is to enable others to pursue a wardrobe beyond their wildest dreams. Alternative fashion has been more of a lifestyle for me and I hope that this space enables me to share that with you.

Thanks for reading


The Queen of Berries